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What do Area Coordinators do?

Area Coordinators (ACs) oversee an entire residence hall area and the professional staff working there. They provide leadership and direction to many behind-the-scenes practices, such as the implementation of a residential curriculum, training of student and professional staff, advising the Association of Residence Halls, recruitment of student and professional staff, and execution of safety and security measures.

What do Residence Hall Coordinators do?

Residence Hall Coordinators (RHCs) supervise all aspects of a residence hall building or "house," including the Resident Assistants, facility concerns, and overall community development. They also handle student conduct cases, advise a hall leadership association/diversity coalition, participate in a 24-hour professional on-call rotation, and live in their respective areas to immediately respond to emergency situations and critical incidents. If you have any concerns about your living situation, please contact your RA first. Your RA is trained to help you find a solution and may refer you to one of the contacts below if necessary.

What do Service Area Coordinators do?

The Service Area Coordinators (SACs) manage the front desk, mail room, and fitness center of their designated area, as well as the student employees who work there and all room key operations. These full-time, professional staff members handle student conduct cases, participate in a 24-hour professional on-call rotation, and live in their respective areas to immediately respond to emergency situations and critical incidents. If you are missing a package, have questions about your room key, or are looking for convenient employment at your residence hall, feel free to reach out to the appropriate SAC below.

Watterson Towers


Cristian Lucas

Cristian Lucas

Area Coordinator
Office: Watterson 206A North

Photo Headshot of Kit Miller

Kit Miller

Watterson Towers Service Area Coordinator
Office: Watterson North Tower 201

Jonathon McEwen

Jon McEwen

A House Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Watterson A South 320

A headshot of Douglas DeBose II

Douglas DeBose II

B House Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Watterson B North 320

a headshot of alyssa frizzo

Alyssa Frizzo

C House Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Watterson C South 320

Photo of Faith Mutinda

Faith Mutinda

D House Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Watterson D 320 North

Keiara Venable-Franklin

Keiara Venable-Franklin

E House Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Watterson E South 320

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Hewett-Manchester Hall & Fell/School St. Apartments


Robert Kreml

Robert Kreml

Hewett-Manchester & Fell/School St. Apartments Area Coordinator and Acting Service Area Coordinator 
Office: Vrooman 102D

Krista Barth

Krista Peters

Hewett Residence Hall Coordinator Floors 2-9
Office: Vrooman 102B

Photo Headshot of Courtney Steffey

Courtney Steffey

Hewett Residence Hall Coordinator Floors 10-17
Office: Hewett 107

Ethan Johnson

Ethan Johnson

Manchester  Residence Hall Coordinator Floors 2-9
Office: Vrooman 102C

Nishly Lopez

Nishly Lopez

Manchester  Residence Hall Coordinator Floors 10-17
Office: Hewett 105

Faith Anderson

Faith Anderson

Fell/School St. Apartments Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Vrooman 102E


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photo of Tyler Vollmer

Tyler Vollmer

Tri-Towers Area Coordinator
Office: Wright Hall 102A

Kat Arrenholz

Kat Arrenholz

Haynie Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Haynie 101A


Doraly Aguirre-Palma

Wright Residence Hall Coordinator
Office: Wright 104

Raven Stamps

Raven Stamps

Wilkins Residence Hall Coordinator 
Office: Wilkins 101A

Jenny Ofoe

Jenny Ofoe

Service Area Coordinator
Office: Haynie 101D

Kelsey Rieck

Kelsey Rieck

Area Support
Office: Wright 102


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Cardinal Court


Sadeja Murray

Sadeja Murray

Cardinal Court Area Coordinator
Office: Cardinal Court Community Center 106B

Jacob Pourchot

Jacob Pourchot

Cardinal Court Service Area Coordinator
Office: Cardinal Court Community Center 106A

Eveliz Maldonado

Eveliz Maldonado

Residence Hall Coordinator: Birch, Dogwood, and Fir
Office: Cardinal Court Community Center 106C

Isaiah May Jr Headshot Photo

Isaiah May Jr.

Residence Hall Coordinator: Cypress and Evergreen
Office: Cardinal Court Community Center 106D

Kelsey Rieck

Kelsey Rieck

Area Support
Office: Wright 102


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Residential Case Managers

Please reach out to these staff members if you have any concerns about your living experience or finding resources on campus. Residential Case Managers are here to support you if you're having trouble adjusting to on-campus life or need someone to talk to.


Autumn Medina

Autumn Medina 

Residential Case Manager
Office of Residential Life 003

Emily Swigart

Emily Swigart

Residential Case Manager 
Office of Residential Life 209

Faith Anderson

Faith Anderson

Residential Case Manager
Vrooman 102E


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Night Operations Coordinators

Night Operations Coordinators supervise our nighttime front desks and lead our safety and security measures from midnight to 6 a.m. During this time, they respond to any urgent concerns and are a steady presence during late-night hours.


Robert Harris

Robert Harris

Night Operations Coordinator
Office: Hewett 106

Chris McDaniels

Chris McDaniels

Night Operations Coordinator
Office: Tri-Towers Haynie 104

Anthony Muhammad

Anthony Muhammad

Night Operations Coordinator
Office: Watterson South 201

Emily Cring

Emily Cring

Night Operations Coordinator
Office: Watterson South 201


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Assignments Team

Assignments representatives assist with room selection, roommate matching, and general questions about University Housing residence halls and on-campus apartment rooms.


Jenna Acasio

Jenna Acasio

Assignments Supervisor
Office of Residential Life

Carter Graves

Carter Graves

Housing Representative
Office of Residential Life

Justin Lawson

Justin Lawson

Housing Representative
Office of Residential Life

Marshall Geddert

Marshall Geddert

Housing Representative
Office of Residential Life

Saljook Khan

Saljook Khan

Assignments IT Tech Associate
Office of Residential Life


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Central Office Staff

Delaney Hardman

Delaney Hardman

Office Manager: Student Development & Residential Case Management
Office of Residential Life

Kristen Johnson

Kristen Johnson

Office Administrator: Director & Marketing and Communications
Office of Residential Life

Taylor Barnard

Taylor Barnard

Office Manager: SLD & Residential Life
Office of Residential Life

Taylor Hornsby

Taylor Hornsby

Office Manager: Facilities
Office of Residential Life

Lisa Kim

Lisa Kim

Office Administrator: Senior and Associate Directors of Residential Life
Office of Residential Life

Madeline Gibbons Headshot

Madeline Gibbons

Office Manager: Assignments
Office of Residential Life


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Leadership Team

Each member of our leadership team is an administrator located at the Office of Residential Life. They each oversee a functional area of University Housing operations and provide leadership to the residence hall team.


Stacey Mwilambwe

Stacey Mwilambwe

University Housing Services

Bridget Reeland

Bridget Reeland

Senior Associate Director
Residential Life, Residence Halls & Apartments

Megan McKinnon

Megan McKinnon

Associate Director
Business Operations

Jamie Neville

Jamie Neville, Ph.D.

Assistant Director

Hillary Campos

Hillary Campos

Assistant Director 
Marketing and Communications

Lupe Montalvo

Lupe Montalvo

Associate Director 
Residential Operations

Ce-Ce Brookins

Ce-Ce Brookins

Assistant Director
Student Development

Liz Thomason

Liz Thomason

Assistant Director 
Student Leadership and Development 

Amy Thies

Amy Thies

Assistant Director
Business Operations

Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson

Assistant Director
Residential Case Management

Scott Calovich

Scott Calovich

Assistant Director


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