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On-Campus Release Request

The On-Campus Housing Policy Release Request process for the 2025-2026 academic year has closed.

On-Campus Release Requests are accepted and granted based upon a finite amount of available opportunities. Once the On-Campus Release Request is closed, no release requests will be accepted. All release request decisions are final.

If you wish to submit an On-campus Release Request, you must follow the proper steps:

This process is intended for current students who are required to live on-campus next year but prefer to live off-campus. There is a finite amount of releases available each year determined by occupancy needs. The following information is provided to assist you.

  1. Follow the proper steps: You must receive a written notice from University Housing Services that you have received an approved on-campus release request. Release requests will be available on the Housing website for a short period of time and will be granted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  2. Submit an On-Campus Release Request: You will receive an e-mail a week prior to the release request process with instructions and a timeline of when the process will be available. You will need your UID, ULID, and full name to participate in this process.
  3. Wait for a response: Responses will be sent within three business days of receipt of the request. Do not sign a lease for off-campus housing prior to receiving a decision about your release request. Remember, pre-signing a lease does not qualify you for an approved release request. Not everyone who submits a release request will be granted, as there is a finite number of available spaces.

Please Note: Once your release request is approved you will no longer be eligible to sign a housing contract during the renewal period as you will not be guaranteed on-campus housing. You are always welcome to inquire as to the status of available on-campus housing but once your request is approved, we will no longer hold a space for you.

We encourage you to discuss this process and financial implications with your family prior to submitting your request.

Who is the On-Campus Release Request for?

Students who fall under the On-Campus Housing Policy but prefer to live off-campus. Individual reasons may vary and are not collected due to the first-come-first-serve basis of this process.

Unless your release request or exemption request to this policy is granted through the processes outlined above, you are required to live on-campus as stated in the On-Campus Housing Policy. We encourage you to talk to your family about the On-Campus Housing Policy and review the detailed information about the On-Campus Housing Policy found at