Learn Where You Live
University Housing Services puts learning at the forefront of the residential experience at Illinois State University. At ISU, we want to do more than provide students with a bed. We care about providing students with a high-quality on-campus living and learning experience. By living in the residence halls, students will have the opportunity to grow in their own personal responsibility, explore their identity, and engage in their community.
Our Learning Goals
Personal Responsibility
Demonstrating personal responsibility means recognizing your place in the community and taking ownership of your actions and their impact on others. Living on campus will offer you the opportunity to develop decision-making abilities and life skills, as well as awareness of your role as a neighbor and community member. Additionally, you will gain a deeper understanding and positive approach to the multiple facets of comprehensive wellness.
Identity Exploration
Identity exploration is a process of understanding and gaining awareness of who you are and how your unique experiences shape how you interpret the world. Through your residential experience, you can explore the intersections of your identities, how they may change over time, and how they impact your interactions with others.
Community Engagement
Being actively engaged in community means gaining the skills to live cooperatively in a diverse, respectful, and thriving shared living environment. Living on campus will allow you to build relationships, deepen connections, and create communities rooted in a sense of belonging. University Housing strives to create spaces where you can positively impact your community by promoting and supporting involvement opportunities within UHS and ISU.
Our Intended Outcomes
In relation to Personal Responsibility, we hope that our residents will be able to:
- Define personal values and beliefs
- Create a self-care plan to identify and utilize behaviors that promote personal wellness
- Develop strategies and take ownership of their actions to achieve personal, academic, and professional goals
In relation to Identity Exploration, we hope that our residents will be able to:
- Articulate aspects of social and personal identities
- Communicate respectfully with others who identify differently
- Recognize how their experience is unique from others
In relation to Community Engagement, we hope that our residents will be able to:
- Recognize the role they play as a neighbor in the development of an inclusive community
- Navigate interpersonal interactions to build meaningful relationships with peers, faculty, and staff
- Engage in opportunities that foster leadership and involvement within the community
How do we meet our intended outcomes?
Nest Calls (Roommate Agreements)
Bird Calls (Intentional Conversations)
Microsurveys (Text Message Surveys)
Programming (Active and Passive)
Student Leadership Opportunities